Type a question in the text-field and press the button (or enter button).
If the answer turns out
blue then the answer is possitive.
If the answer turns out
red then the answer is negative.
If the answer turns out black then Im not sure what to answer...

Ask the magic 8ball a question!

", "No", "Of Course", "Never", "Maybe", "Theres a Chance", "What do you think I am, psychic?", "Sometimes", "Im quit sure about that!", "Thats probably true", "Hell no..", "Dont even think about it....", "Maby , maby not", "You may count on it", "The chanse is quit as big as seeing Jay Leno in a g-string", "I would not even concider it..", "I must say yes...", "Damnd right ...", "Sure thing..", "Hahah your kidding right?", "If you're lucky"); srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $count = count($answers); echo "You asked: "; echo $requiredquestion; echo "

and the answer is: " . $answers[rand(0,$count)]; } ?>

Created by Jonas Ljungkvist - Source is aviable here.

earn by clicks


counter globe *****-->

Monday, November 2, 2009

what is internet ?

Internet was coined form the words "interconnetion" and "networks" ,It is really a way for computers to comunicate .It is the world's largest computer network.

The Internet has revolutionzed the computer and communications world like nothing before . The invention fo the telegraph , telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of calabilities . The Internet is at once a worldwide broadcasting capability,a mechanism for information dissemination,and a medium for collaboration and intercion between individuals and their computers without regard fo geographic locations. The internet represents one fo the most successful examples of the benfits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure.